2024 Wormfarm Institute Farm/Art DTour Finalist
Palisades of Play: Recreational Defense Mechanisms against Industrial Land Consumption​

The Driftless Area is renowned for its natural beauty and fascinating geology. The rolling hills and jagged bluffs that were spared from the advance of ancient glaciers now foster a bright future of eco-tourism. However, the very composition of the earth in this place, between Plain and Prairie du Sac, fated it to a complicated industrial history. Bookending the Farm/Art DTour route to the southwest and northeast are two public outdoor recreation spaces, each formerly the site of ammunition production. Following a precedent set by many post-industrial remediation efforts across the country, these sites of immense social and environmental harm have since been decommissioned and converted to a public amenity. In response to the formulaic tendencies of militarized industry to dispossess land, deplete and pollute it, and return it to the community for remediation, we have searched for a mechanism of resistance.

At its root, our proposal seeks to protect the land. It functions first as a palisade—a defensive measure against industrial encroachment. However, just as the palisade protects, it must also be protected. Thus, it is activated through play. Engagement ensures two things: the maintenance of the defensive object and the maintenance of a community mindset. The installation acts as a recreational experience that guides the visitor to acknowledge (spectate), prevent (engage) and purify (reflect). The objects function in both mechanical and metaphysical terms, with the formal composition responding to each.
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